As a leading opinion maker on investment law and arbitration, Nikos regularly publishes in various blogs and legal journals, which are reproduced on this website.

Nikos is also Managing Editor of the European Investment Law and Arbitration ReviewThe first issue was published in December 2016.


AG’s Opinion in the Achmea case

[29-september-17 12:36:22]
The poison pill for maintaining intra-EU BITs arbitration The long-awaited Opinion of Advocate General (AG) Wathelet in the Achmea case has resulted in an unexpected...

Lecturing investment law at the VUB

[25-september-17 13:53:33]
Lecturing investment law at the VUB Since two weeks I have been lecturing as Guestprofessor international investment law at the Free University Brussels – Brussels...

Of Counsel and member of Wöss & Partners

[22-mei-17 9:25:30]
I am very pleased to announce that I have been appointed as Of Counsel and member of the international arbitration, trade and infrastructure group of Wöss...